For most websites, Google is (as THE searchengine) the main source for visitors and a good ranking in the search results is absolutely required. The way to that goal is a series of reasonable optimisations of your website for the searchengines.
Many SEO specialists concentrate on a lot of backlinks towards the site to optimize and on placing texts with just a high density of keywords on the site. You definitely can work that way, but my approach is a different one. Searchengines try to find the most relevant results for a user and thus try to behave like a user. A website with meaningless texts full of keywords and many links towards itself however does not provide the user with a great (or even any) value and while this might get good results for now, this is not what searchengines do intend to achieve and thus all of this could be made obsolete or even work against you with the next update of the searchengine.
That is why I advise to concentrate on 7 key points:
- Good content
- A fast website
- Good content
- A barrier-free und mobile-ready website
- Good content
- A website that is secured via HTTPS
- Good content
Maybe you noticed that one point was mentioned more than once. A website 100% depends on good content and a website without own content simply has no use for its visitors. Why should they visit a website, when they can get the same content somewhere else, too, maybe even better? I will help you to structure your content and to make it easily accessible on your site. However my help mainly focuses on the technical aspects of the optimisations.
Besides content. Google values fast websites. The faster the site is generated and the less data needs to be loaded, the better. Many websites have a lot of potential for optimisations here.
Since a very large number of users use the internet via their smartphones, a good and working mobile design is essential. I will make sure that your website looks (and works) perfect on as many different mobile devices as possible and also is presented to Google in that way. A good mobile design and a good barrier-free design complement each other here. Consider a searchengine to be a user with a visual impairment, to whom you need to make your website accesible.
I can offer you help for all of these technical aspects, so that your site gets the best, long-lasting searchengine ranking possible.